Friday, December 23, 2016

Tis the season.... bird's eye view.

   The writer has left her lap-top open on the table once again and gone off to collect warm clothes from the dryer. Seems like she is doing that a lot lately. With the onset of winter, the whole family has begun wearing lots and lots of clothes. Since she will be gone for a while, I thought I would help her out. After cleaning the keyboard, I took a look at what she was writing. It was awful. Knowing I had some time, I decided I could help. I started with the delete key. As I deleted whole words and sentences, I began to wish my family could do the same with all the activities they seem to be doing. After all, I haven't seen them as much as I would like lately. They are out an awful lot. Seems like there is an endless stream of concerts and recitals and events! When they are home, they always seem to be doing things that just aren't normal. Like putting up a tree.

A FAKE tree, in the house

    At first, I thought this might be pretty cool. But then, they put lights on it, followed by decorations hung by hooks and ribbon. As if this weren't enough, they added two types of garland and sprinkled it with tinsel. The whole thing is topped off with an angel in a white dress holding two candles. (Incidentally, the angel doesn't light up like the rest of the tree.) When I flew around it a couple of times to check it out, the kid suggested I might want to land on it. AS IF! Thank heavens they put it in the corner out of my flying zones.

    But they didn't stop there, noooo, they just had to go and add decorations to every flat surface the house has to offer! There are garlands and figurines and snow globes. Stuff that lights up and makes noise. They even had the nerve to put little snowmen up on my window sills. While I tolerated the rest of the holiday decor, the snowmen were a bit much, so I moved the floor.

   No sooner did I take care of this, then a new madness started. What was left of the clear surfaces were soon covered in cards of all shapes and sizes. I read a few; they mostly said Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I quickly discovered that these were far more entertaining than the other decorations. Not only are they fun to chew, but a couple flaps of my wings and they scatter everywhere! I can proudly report there are now at least three holiday letters behind the couch. 

    Just when I thought things were going to settle down, they began to go shopping! After these excursions, each of my family locks themselves in various rooms while playing Christmas music and emerges with wrapped packages that they deposit under the tree. Moreover, I am NOT supposed to chew on these wrappings.

Couldn't they just stick to writing cards?

   I could do a holiday newsletter for them. We could put feathers in with the letter. (I have a lot of extras as I replace my fall feathers with much warmer winter ones.) Maybe have a little hot cocoa and watch a movie together.

   I suppose they might slow down after the holidays and take a breather, but I kinda doubt that...

   There are paint chips stuck to the living room wall. Oh well, I hear the writer coming back, time to clear those silly snowmen off my windowsill.

   I wonder if I should mention to my family that the poor shepherd in the nativity scene has no head?

- Chirp

1 comment:

  1. This bird is a valuable asset to her family! Her work is never done.
