Friday, December 16, 2016

Dashing thru the stores...and out of them as fast as possible!

   I went to go Christmas shopping a few days after Thanksgiving. 
  • No packed parking lots
  • No crowded stores
  • No empty shelves
  • No long lines
   I bought only a few items and got out of the store as quickly as possible. I didn't even purchase everything that I had on my list. It had to be about the worst experience I have had this holiday season.


   I know, it sounded like I had ideal shopping conditions. So why did I pull an Ebenezer Scrooge and hightail it out of there like I was being chased by Christmas Yet-To-Come? What made me run for the Grinch Cave in the lonely snow covered hills without first collecting the items on my well prepared list? Did the store not have the goods I was looking for? Was my wallet empty?  Or did I simply lack the holiday spirit?

Nope. It was the store.

   But they were decorated for the season, they had all the items on my list and a shopping cart ready and waiting for me. Well, it became evident the moment I pushed open the door that they didn't want me there. Even though my husband and I were the only ones in the store. The message became clearly evident as we tried to shop, but after about ten minutes, gave up and checked out with only a few items that were on our list.

It was just too ((loud))!!

    I wish I could say this was the only store where I had this experience. Unfortunately, loud music seems to be en vogue. I have been treated to ear-splitting renditions of Do they Know it's Christmas? and I am Santa Claus in numerous retail establishments that see these selections as fitting background music to showcase their products. Thinking perhaps my store selection was at fault, I tried up-scaling my purchase points only to discover that these emporiums felt compelled to play Deck the Halls and Jingle Bells so loud that I had to shout in order to converse with my shopping partners.

Talking to check out clerks, store employees and managers did no good, they simply shrugged.

Perhaps they couldn't hear me.

   Maybe they didn't want to hear me. It is an accepted fact that loud music is typically played in restaurants to encourage diners to eat quickly and leave to make room for more customers; alternately, retail stores choose quieter selections to encourage shoppers to linger and purchase more goods. 

My take-away: over the holidays, retail stores just don't want me there...they must want me to shop online instead.

I do pity the employees trapped in the store...good thing I don't work in retail...I would insist, per OSHA standards, they provide me with ear plugs.

   But now, a few days away from Christmas I am faced with a dilemma, if I shop on the internet, my goods will not arrive in time for the holiday celebration. And underneath the tree is looking barren.

   A quick Google search looking for quiet stores to shop in turns up lots of articles geared toward retailers to help them select appropriate music (and volume) for their stores. Go figure. But unfortunately no one seems to read anymore. Gritting my teeth, I venture out once more...

   And find three stores that do not play any music at all! Shout out to Aldi, Home Depot and Target. Okay, so I guess some folks do read. As a result, they receive a portion of our hard earned income and I can return home with my purchases for a nice quiet cup of hot chocolate...


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