Friday, February 19, 2016

Blogger with a beak

   My person seems to be suffering from writer's block this week.

   I like to help out my person. I often do. Ask her, she will tell you I am good with the delete key!

   So while my person decided to go for a walk on this unseasonably warm day, I headed to her abandoned laptop and pulled up the blogging web site. I am quite accustomed to touch screens and very good at navigating them. After dusting off the keyboard I decided to get started.

   I had typed a great deal when I discovered I had a problem. I had written everything in Bird. Since most of her readers aren't birds, they probably wouldn't be able to understand anything I had typed. Bummer. I saved the file for a later day when I may publish my own blog for a bird audience, and started over.

   This project was a little harder than I anticipated. I headed for a cup of coffee to give me inspiration and opened the front door to let more light in the living room. It brightened things up considerably! And there were so many birds outside singing and playing and flying, despite the fact that it is pretty windy. I began to sing from my perch on my coffee cup and several of them came to the porch to talk to me. We had quite a good time catching up, but then I realized that the morning was passing and I still had this blog entry to write!

   I bid my feathered friends good-bye and had another drink of coffee and tapped at the keys. As I listened to the wind blowing and felt the sun warming my feathers I thought about camping. I sure wished I was camping. Both my person and I get lots of inspiration when we are camping. Maybe it is because the scenery is different. Maybe because we are relaxed. Perhaps it is because none of the nagging day to day responsibilities are present. Unfortunately the camper is still under its winter tarp and probably will be for the next month. I am a bit saddened by this thought as I really like camping.

   To take my mind off camping, I preened my back feathers. The warmth of the sun made this a pleasant task. Feathers require a lot of care and preening. Yesterday my person gave me a bath in the sink with nice warm water (I am partial to warm water) and I am still fluffy and shiny today. To keep up my good looks, I decide a quick bath is in order, so I hop in my water cup and splash around a bit, then I preen very carefully, making sure to leave feathers everywhere. My person likes feathers, after all, she picks them up all the time. Just the other day she told me that she had enough feathers to make an entire bird out of! Just think how cool that would be, a bird that looks exactly like me.

   Excited by this prospect, I check out the mirror. Just as I thought, good looking bird looking right back at me. I offer the good looking bird some kisses and snack on my treats. As I am eating, the timer on the dryer goes off, indicating that it is time to change loads, but I don't think my person is back yet, which reminds me, I am supposed to be writing a blog!

   I fly down for another drink of coffee, but find it has gone cold. I am sure a second cup will help, so I make my way to the kitchen and ponder about what I should write. Should I talk about kid who lives in the house and plays beautiful music? I especially like the violin piece she is working on right now. Sometimes I sit in her room and listen to her play.

   Perhaps I could talk about the fella that lives here. He is pretty good about feeding me and telling me how wonderful I look. It is enough to make a bird vain. I like chewing on his glasses case and pushing his phone off the couch and onto the floor.

   Or should I write about the time I flew around the house and disappeared for about an hour while my family looked everywhere for me?  It was interesting to see how and where they searched. In the end they found me on a shelf among the toys and stuffed animals. My person scolded me, though I don't think she was too serious. Kid said sometimes she wished I was more like their last bird. He apparently talked more people talk, played ball on the floor and would fly to them when he was called. I cannot think of why I would want to do that! My person explained to kid that I had a different personality and was special in different ways. She is right. I am very different. I do speak a little people (I am especially fond of the words "Uh Oh" and "Peek") but unlike their last bird, I like to climb into things, like my Kleenex box, which my person calls my playhouse. I prefer being in my cage where I can easily hop up to look in the mirror and get a snack any time I like. Mind you, I like the door to my cage open, but only so that I have the option of going out...if I want to. I am also terrific at shredding and picking apart things.

   But right now I am concerned that I am not getting very far with my blog entry. Utilizing the delete key, I edit what I have already typed. Seems I have to do this quite a bit. Editing is a lot of work. It tires me out. Perhaps I should take a nap.

   Well, would you look at that? There is my person now. She is kinda possessive of this laptop. I think now would be a very good time to publish this post and go take a nap, leaving all this writing stuff to my person.

Talk to you next time I hit the keyboard!

1 comment:

  1. I am especially fond of the picture of your person trying to get you off the laptop.
