Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday Musings - Things that make you go UMMMM...

   We sometimes come across things that make us go Um...

In Disney, we came across this. 

We wondered what sort of individual would lob off Micky's head, then sell headless Mickys in a store. It gave us the creeps. So we fixed the problem. Much better, don't you think? 
Guess the Gingerbread man didn't run all that fast after all.

I often wondered about this picnic shelter. Note the picnic bench underneath.

And Just who comes up with signage pictures?

She is safe, right?

Perhaps I am not the person intended for this cook top. I know, maybe if I just grow a little.

Gonna make teaching kid to cook interesting.

Not to worry, everything is labeled.

Well, alrighty then!

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