Friday, February 12, 2016

How Romantic are you?

   Someone sent me one of those How Romantic Are You quizzes...

   I didn't really like the answer it gave me. What did they mean I was not at all romantic? I have to be romantic. Heck, even my birthday is on Valentine's day! I decided the quiz was just stupid and determined I could better measure my romance level by analyzing my life and surroundings. So I began by going around my house and labeling things as romantic and seeing how they measured up.

I started with my pet. I have a romantic pet. She is small and can stand on your shoulder but doesn't like to cuddle. She chews on things and refuses to answer when she is called. She swears at you when you try to coax her out of her cage and has been known to throw the cell phone on the floor. And even though she is small, she can leave a huge mess. Like leaving feathers in my favorite beverages. She bites too.

And why does it look like she has set the room on fire behind us?

Okay, I don't have a romantic pet.

  But I definitely have a romantic car. It has seating capacity for seven! Seven people in a car is romantic, right? The seats even fold down for extra storage capacity, for things like groceries and stuff. Nothing more romantic than groceries, is there? Well, perhaps it is the smooth clean lines of the vehicle that make it romantic.

Okay, the car is dirty. So I don't have a romantic car.

   But I definitely have a romantic job.

Well, maybe not that romantic...

 All right, perhaps not at all.

   At least I do a lot of romantic candle lit dinners.

Oops, that is a lamp and sunlit breakfast.

   Since I did not seem to be getting any positive results with my at-home study, I felt I should do some research on the subject. Perhaps I just didn't understand the definition of romantic. My research indicated that being kidnapped by a pirate/highlander/cowboy and being swept away and held against one's will was supposed to be romantic. This was kinda depressing since I had my doubts that a pirate was going to be wandering down our suburban side street any time soon. Moreover, I am not sure that I would want to be swept away by some sweaty highlander who mostly likely hasn't had a shower in a week. And a cowboy? I get saddle sores just thinking about it.

   More of my research indicated that flowers and candles were involved as well. That sounded nice. I like flowers and candles. Candles at restaurants are even better. When you get bored waiting for your meal you can make little wax people and balance them on the end of your butter knife, hovering them over the flame, pretending to sacrifice them to a volcano. That's fun. There was also a suggestion that chocolate was romantic. I like chocolate, especially dark chocolate. Unfortunately chocolate usually involves sharing and that can get pretty ugly when dark chocolate is involved. In addition to this, I read that it is considered romantic to take moonlit walks along the beach. Whoa, I draw the line there. I mean really, a moonlit walk on a beach, in Chicago, in February? That reads more like frostbite than romance. Count me out!

Perhaps I am not very romantic at all.

   At first I was sort of sad, but then I got to thinking: Who decides what make something romantic? Looking at images on the internet, I started to suspect that this whole romance idea was thought up by greeting card companies and florists. That sounded more like profit than it did love. And isn't love at the heart of romance? Perhaps if I explored what I loved, I would find my romantic side. With this in mind, I did a reassessment.

Turns out, I have an excess of love!

   My pet plays hide and seek and does things that things that make you say Awwww. I absolutely love that! And I love playing with her in her little "houses." While maybe not truly romantic, it works on my love scale. 

   I have a daughter who would melt your heart. She does mine. Anything that melts your heart and makes you warm inside gets top billing on my love scale.

Finally, I found my romantic side!!!

     I have a sexy, romantic husband.

Because absolutely NOTHING is more sexy than a man with a vacuum!

   He gets top billing. It just makes me go all mushy inside watching him waltz around the dining room with a cord in tow. Maybe later we will sit down to a candle lit dinner and sacrifice little wax people to the volcano at some classy establishment. After that, we can forgo frostbite and snuggle under the afghan in the living room while watching some cool action flick. Now that sounds like real romance! That is my romance for sure.

How romantic are you? I would love if you would share!


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