Monday, February 8, 2016

Pet musings

   When considering a pet it is always important to consider the size of the pet you would like to take care of. For our family, this meant a small pet. One that would be easy to take care of, yet fun for our family.

Chirp came to live with us.
  Even though she was small, she was  lots of fun to play with....

Aww, aren't they just cute?
But there were unexpected things that we had not fully taken into consideration.
For instance, Chirp needed her own bathtub.

So we got her one.

This proved to be quite messy.
   And like any other pet, Chirp felt she was just another family member...
She wanted to eat what we were eating.

Using our utensils. 
And off our plates.
And from our bowls.

Did I mention she liked our drinks?
No matter what we were drinking....

We really have to keep a close eye on her.

She likes to help with writing too...
Sometimes a bit too much.

I really enjoy her company and have gotten used to sharing with her, But as every good pet owner, I draw the line at some things.
Hey! That is MY COFFEE!

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