Monday, February 1, 2016

Say what?

February started out nice and warm and sunny!

Isn't that typical for Chicago!

   We did some shopping today and saw some interesting things....

   Go on, admit it. You saw the same thing I did at first glance. 

   No denying it. You did the same double take.

   Just that I took a picture. After my double take.

   Laughed some too.

   Then we decided to have the car washed. It was pretty dirty. 

I knew where I should go in. Or thought I did, but maybe it was the Employee Only entrance. Or perhaps there was an invisible door between these two that I didn't see. Otherwise, why the arrow directing employees to the left?

   But this is not the first time we have had difficulty with signs.

   Sometimes because they are not there. That is always a problem when trying to find locations that are hard to find in the first place. 
But hey, we don't give up easy. Not even when we have computer problems and need a quick replacement.

Though where that computer might lead us to may not be helpful.

   Thank heavens we can always go fishing,

That is, if we can get minnows, and not just their gas.  And what better time to go fishing than February in Chicago.
When the natives go barefoot.

Isn't that typical for Chicago?

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